Storybook Docs

CLI options

The Storybook command line interface (CLI) is the main tool you use to build and develop Storybook.

Storybook collects completely anonymous data to help us improve user experience. Participation is optional, and you may opt-out if you'd not like to share any information.

API commands

All of the following documentation is available in the CLI by running storybook --help.

Passing options to these commands works slightly differently if you're using npm instead of Yarn. You must prefix all of your options with --. For example, npm run storybook build -- -o ./path/to/build --quiet.


Compiles and serves a development build of your Storybook that reflects your source code changes in the browser in real-time. It should be run from the root of your project.

storybook dev [options]

Options include:

--helpOutput usage information
storybook dev --help
-V, --versionOutput the version number
storybook dev -V
-p, --port [number]Port to run Storybook
storybook dev -p 9009
--exact-port [number]Attempts to run Storybook on the exact port number specified.
If the port is already in use, Storybook will exit with an error message
storybook dev --exact-port 9009
-h, --host [string]Host to run Storybook
storybook dev -h
-c, --config-dir [dir-name]Directory where to load Storybook configurations from
storybook dev -c .storybook
--loglevel [level]Controls level of logging during build.
Available options: silly, verbose, info (default), warn, error, silent
storybook dev --loglevel warn
--httpsServe Storybook over HTTPS. Note: You must provide your own certificate information
storybook dev --https
--ssl-caProvide an SSL certificate authority. (Optional with --https, required if using a self-signed certificate)
storybook dev --ssl-ca my-certificate
--ssl-certProvide an SSL certificate. (Required with --https)
storybook dev --ssl-cert my-ssl-certificate
--ssl-keyProvide an SSL key. (Required with --https)
storybook dev --ssl-key my-ssl-key
--smoke-testExit after successful start
storybook dev --smoke-test
--ciCI mode (skip interactive prompts, don't open browser)
storybook dev --ci
--no-openDo not open Storybook automatically in the browser
storybook dev --no-open
--quietSuppress verbose build output
storybook dev --quiet
--debugOutputs more logs in the CLI to assist debugging
storybook dev --debug
--debug-webpackDisplay final webpack configurations for debugging purposes
storybook dev --debug-webpack
--stats-json [dir-name]Write stats JSON to disk
Requires Webpack
storybook dev --stats-json /tmp/stats
--no-version-updatesSkips Storybook's update check
storybook dev --no-version-updates
--docsStarts Storybook in documentation mode. Learn more about it in here
storybook dev --docs
--initial-path [path]Configures the URL Storybook should open when it opens the browser for the first time
storybook dev --initial-path=/docs/getting-started--docs
--preview-url [path]Overrides the default Storybook preview with a custom built preview URL
storybook dev --preview-url=http://localhost:1337/external-iframe.html
--force-build-previewForcefully builds Storybook's preview iframe.
Useful if you're experiencing issues, or combined with --preview-url to ensure the preview is up-to-date
storybook dev --force-build-preview
--disable-telemetryDisables Storybook's telemetry. Learn more about it here
storybook dev --disable-telemetry
--enable-crash-reportsEnables sending crash reports to Storybook's telemetry. Learn more about it here
storybook dev --enable-crash-reports

With the release of Storybook 8, the -s CLI flag was removed. We recommend using the static directory instead if you need to serve static files.


Compiles your Storybook instance so it can be deployed. It should be run from the root of your project.

storybook build [options]

Options include:

-h, --helpOutput usage information
storybook build --help
-V, --versionOutput the version number
storybook build -V
-o, --output-dir [dir-name]Directory where to store built files
storybook build -o /my-deployed-storybook
-c, --config-dir [dir-name]Directory where to load Storybook configurations from
storybook build -c .storybook
--loglevel [level]Controls level of logging during build.
Available options: silly, verbose, info (default), warn, error, silent
storybook build --loglevel warn
--quietSuppress verbose build output
storybook build --quiet
--debugOutputs more logs in the CLI to assist debugging
storybook build --debug
--debug-webpackDisplay final webpack configurations for debugging purposes
storybook build --debug-webpack
--stats-json [dir-name]Write stats JSON to disk
Requires Webpack
storybook build --stats-json /tmp/stats
--docsBuilds Storybook in documentation mode. Learn more about it in here
storybook build --docs
--testOptimize Storybook's production build for performance and tests by removing unnecessary features with the test option. Learn more here.
storybook build --test
--preview-url [path]Overrides the default Storybook preview with a custom built preview URL
storybook build --preview-url=http://localhost:1337/external-iframe.html
--force-build-previewForcefully builds Storybook's preview iframe.
Useful if you're experiencing issues, or combined with --preview-url to ensure the preview is up-to-date
storybook build --force-build-preview
--disable-telemetryDisables Storybook's telemetry. Learn more about it here
storybook build --disable-telemetry
--enable-crash-reportsEnables sending crash reports to Storybook's telemetry. Learn more about it here
storybook build --enable-crash-reports


Installs and initializes the specified version (e.g., @latest, @8, @next) of Storybook into your project. Read more in the installation guide.

storybook[@version] init [options]

For example, storybook@latest init will install the latest version of Storybook into your project.

Options include:

-h, --helpOutput usage information
storybook init --help
-b, --builderDefines the builder to use for your Storybook instance
storybook init --builder webpack5
-f,--forceForcefully installs Storybook into your project, prompting you to overwrite existing files
storybook init --force
-s, --skip-installSkips the dependency installation step. Used only when you need to configure Storybook manually
storybook init --skip-install
-t, --typeDefines the framework to use for your Storybook instance
storybook init --type solid
-y, --yesSkips interactive prompts and automatically installs Storybook per specified version
storybook init --yes
--package-managerSets the package manager to use when installing Storybook.
Available package managers include npm, yarn, and pnpm
storybook init --package-manager pnpm
--use-pnpEnables Plug'n'Play support for Yarn. This option is only available when using Yarn as your package manager
storybook init --use-pnp
-p, --parserSets the jscodeshift parser.
Available parsers include babel, babylon, flow, ts, and tsx
storybook init --parser tsx
--debugOutputs more logs in the CLI to assist debugging
storybook init --debug
--disable-telemetryDisables Storybook's telemetry. Learn more about it here
storybook init --disable-telemetry
--enable-crash-reportsEnables sending crash reports to Storybook's telemetry. Learn more about it here
storybook init --enable-crash-reports
--no-devComplete the initialization of Storybook without running the Storybook dev server
storybook init --no-dev


Installs a Storybook addon and configures your project for it. Read more in the addon installation guide.

storybook add [addon] [options]

Options include:

-h, --helpOutput usage information
storybook add --help
-c, --config-dirDirectory where to load Storybook configurations from
storybook migrate --config-dir .storybook
--package-managerSets the package manager to use when installing the addon.
Available package managers include npm, yarn, and pnpm
storybook add [addon] --package-manager pnpm
-s, --skip-postinstallSkips post-install configuration. Used only when you need to configure the addon yourself
storybook add [addon] --skip-postinstall
--debugOutputs more logs in the CLI to assist debugging
storybook add --debug


Deletes a Storybook addon from your project. Read more in the addon installation guide.

storybook remove [addon] [options]

Options include:

-h, --helpOutput usage information
storybook remove --help
--package-managerSets the package manager to use when removing the addon.
Available package managers include npm, yarn, and pnpm
storybook remove [addon]--package-manager pnpm
--debugOutputs more logs in the CLI to assist debugging
storybook remove --debug
--disable-telemetryDisables Storybook's telemetry. Learn more about it here
storybook remove --disable-telemetry
--enable-crash-reportsEnables sending crash reports to Storybook's telemetry. Learn more about it here
storybook remove --enable-crash-reports


Upgrades your Storybook instance to the specified version (e.g., @latest, @8, @next). Read more in the upgrade guide.

storybook[@version] upgrade [options]

For example, storybook@latest upgrade --dry-run will perform a dry run (no actual changes) of upgrading your project to the latest version of Storybook.

Options include:

-h, --helpOutput usage information
storybook upgrade --help
-c, --config-dirDirectory where to load Storybook configurations from
storybook upgrade --config-dir .storybook
-n, --dry-runChecks for version upgrades without installing them
storybook upgrade --dry-run
-s, --skip-checkSkips the migration check step during the upgrade process
storybook upgrade --skip-check
-y, --yesSkips interactive prompts and automatically upgrades Storybook to the latest version
storybook upgrade --yes
-f,--forceForce the upgrade, skipping autoblockers check
storybook upgrade --force
--package-managerSets the package manager to use when upgrading Storybook.
Available package managers include npm, yarn, and pnpm
storybook upgrade --package-manager pnpm
--debugOutputs more logs in the CLI to assist debugging
storybook upgrade --debug
--disable-telemetryDisables Storybook's telemetry. Learn more about it here
storybook upgrade --disable-telemetry
--enable-crash-reportsEnables sending crash reports to Storybook's telemetry. Learn more about it here
storybook upgrade --enable-crash-reports


Runs the provided codemod to ensure your Storybook project is compatible with the specified version. Read more in the migration guide.

storybook[@version] migrate [codemod] [options]

The command requires the codemod name (e.g., csf-2-to-3) as an argument to apply the necessary changes to your project. You can find the list of available codemods by running storybook migrate --list.

For example, storybook@latest migrate csf-2-to-3 --dry-run, checks your project to verify if the codemod can be applied without making any changes, providing you with a report of which files would be affected.

Options include:

-h, --helpOutput usage information
storybook migrate --help
-c, --config-dirDirectory where to load Storybook configurations from
storybook migrate --config-dir .storybook
-n, --dry-runVerify the migration exists and show the files to which it will be applied
storybook migrate --dry-run
-l, --listShows a list of available codemods
storybook migrate --list
-g, --globGlob for files upon which to apply the codemods
storybook migrate --glob src/**/*.stories.tsx
-p, --parserSets the jscodeshift parser.
Available parsers include babel, babylon, flow, ts, and tsx
storybook migrate --parser tsx
-r, --rename [from-to]Renames the files affected by the codemod to include the provided suffix
storybook migrate --rename ".js:.ts"
--debugOutputs more logs in the CLI to assist debugging
storybook migrate --debug


Perform standard configuration checks to determine if your Storybook project can be automatically migrated to the specified version. Read more in the migration guide.

storybook[@version] automigrate [fixId] [options]

For example, storybook@latest automigrate --dry-run scans your project for potential migrations that can be applied automatically without making any changes.

Options include:

-h, --helpOutput usage information
storybook automigrate --help
-c, --config-dirDirectory where to load Storybook configurations from
storybook automigrate --config-dir .storybook
-n, --dry-runChecks for available migrations without applying them
storybook automigrate --dry-run
-s, --skip-installSkip installing dependencies whenever applicable
storybook automigrate --skip-install
-y, --yesApplies available migrations automatically without prompting for confirmation
storybook automigrate --yes
-l, --listShows a list of available automigrations
storybook automigrate --list
--package-managerSets the package manager to use when running the auto migration.
Available package managers include npm, yarn, and pnpm
storybook automigrate --package-manager pnpm
--rendererSpecifies Storybook's renderer to use when running the automigration.
Useful for monorepo environments where multiple Storybook instances can exist in the same project
storybook automigrate --renderer vue
--debugOutputs more logs in the CLI to assist debugging
storybook automigrate --debug
--disable-telemetryDisables Storybook's telemetry. Learn more about it here
storybook automigrate --disable-telemetry
--enable-crash-reportsEnables sending crash reports to Storybook's telemetry. Learn more about it here
storybook automigrate --enable-crash-reports


Performs a health check on your Storybook project for common issues (e.g., duplicate dependencies, incompatible addons or mismatched versions) and provides suggestions on how to fix them. Applicable when upgrading Storybook versions.

storybook doctor [options]

Options include:

-h, --helpOutput usage information
storybook doctor --help
-c, --config-dirDirectory where to load Storybook configurations from
storybook doctor --config-dir .storybook
--package-managerSets the package manager to use when running the health check.
Available package managers include npm, yarn, and pnpm
storybook doctor --package-manager pnpm
--debugOutputs more logs in the CLI to assist debugging
storybook doctor --debug


Reports useful debugging information about your environment. Helpful in providing information when opening an issue or a discussion.

storybook info

Example output:

Storybook Environment Info:
    OS: macOS 14.2
    CPU: (8) arm64 Apple M3
    Shell: 5.9 - /bin/zsh
    Node: 18.19.0 - ~/.nvm/versions/node/v18.19.0/bin/node
    npm: 10.2.3 - ~/.nvm/versions/node/v18.19.0/bin/npm <----- active
    Chrome: 120.0.6099.199
    @storybook/addon-essentials: ^7.6.6 => 7.6.6
    @storybook/addon-interactions: ^7.6.6 => 7.6.6
    @storybook/addon-links: ^7.6.6 => 7.6.6
    @storybook/addon-onboarding: ^1.0.10 => 1.0.10
    @storybook/blocks: ^7.6.6 => 7.6.6
    @storybook/preset-create-react-app: ^7.6.6 => 7.6.6
    @storybook/react: ^7.6.6 => 7.6.6
    @storybook/react-webpack5: ^7.6.6 => 7.6.6
    @storybook/test: ^7.6.6 => 7.6.6
    storybook: ^7.6.6 => 7.6.6
    chromatic: ^10.2.0 => 10.2.0


Generates a local sandbox project using the specified version (e.g., @latest, @8, @next) for testing Storybook features based on the list of supported frameworks. Useful for reproducing bugs when opening an issue or a discussion.

storybook[@version] sandbox [framework-filter] [options]

For example, storybook@next sandbox will generated sandboxes using the newest pre-release version of Storybook.

The framework-filter argument is optional and can filter the list of available frameworks. For example, storybook@next sandbox react will only offer to generate React-based sandboxes.

Options include:

-h, --helpOutput usage information
storybook sandbox --help
-o, --output [dir-name]Configures the location of the sandbox project
storybook sandbox --output /my-sandbox-project
--no-initGenerates a sandbox project without without initializing Storybook
storybook sandbox --no-init
--debugOutputs more logs in the CLI to assist debugging
storybook sandbox --debug
--disable-telemetryDisables Storybook's telemetry. Learn more about it here
storybook sandbox --disable-telemetry
--enable-crash-reportsEnables sending crash reports to Storybook's telemetry. Learn more about it here
storybook sandbox --enable-crash-reports

If you're looking for a hosted version of the available sandboxes, see

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